2025 Artist in Residence Christina Ward

WGS South is incredibly proud—ecstatic!—to showcase the logos for our 50th Annual Meeting in Atlanta, created for us by our 2025 Artist in Residence, Christina Ward. Her work is subversive and confrontational, bright and inspiring, and perhaps most importantly, it thoughtfully depicts the diversity of Atlanta and southern communities at large in ways that we all hope to see ourselves: as beautiful, passionate, and powerful opponents against the things and people who would keep us—and others—down.

A Brief Interview with Atlanta Artist, WGS South 2025 Logo Designer, & Total Badass, Christina Ward

Q: Would you describe yourself as an artist-activist? If not, what nomenclature would you use?

A: “I guess it just depends on the season that we’re in. I feel like my art and my activism really merge when there’s heated social issues going on, which is basically all the time, but […] when politics are over, people kind of forget who I am. So my art seems to only seems to exist in the space that is relevant, if that makes any sense, and then when the political waves are over, so am I, kinda?” 

Q:“How does the south geographically or metaphorically affect your work?

A: “Honestly, I don’t know anything else. I think I’m at a unique vantage point because I am from a region that, historically, has been super red, and it’s hard to have faith in change when you feel like nothing is ever changing. […] Everyone’s always assumed that Georgia’s just going to stay red forever, and to see things slowly happening, that’s been a big inspiration for me, and one of the reasons that I keep digging my heels into politics.

I grew up with super-racist parents, and I watched their racism cloud how they moved through the world, and like, I know how these people move and operate, and that’s what really bothers me. The fear and the misguided ideologies that they have…I see it so plainly and it hasn’t changed over time, y’know. They just stick to their same playbook constantly, and it bothers me that people are still buying it.” 

Q: What are things that give you joy?  

A:”I was a zookeeper for many years—I had this whole separate life […] Animals are a big part of my life; we foster cats and dogs, and we have a pet pig.” 

Q: So how long did it take you to decide to put cats onto your Kamala sign after Vance’s comment? 

A: “It was seamless.” 

To check out Christina’s art and activism, which you should absolutely do, visit her website at https://www.xtinapaints.com/

Or, find her on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/xtinapaintsatl?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==