Each year, WGS South is honored to work with an institution in the Southeastern region of the United States to host an annual academic conference. The host institution selects the theme, location, and works alongside the WGS South Board to ensure the conference is a success. Most importantly, the conferences allow WGS South and its membership to further the cause of developing scholarship and encouraging activism to eliminate oppression and discrimination.
We would love to visit your institution! Hosts receive $4,000 in seed money from the organization to assist with the operational costs of conference planning and execution. There are numerous benefits to hosting including:
Promoting your program/department and institution
Bringing on-site faculty together
Networking with Women and Gender Studies professionals from across the region
Connecting Women and Gender Studies students within the institution and across the region
Giving your students the opportunity to gather information about graduate programs and career opportunities
Enhancing a collaborative environment between faculty and students
To express interest, and for more information, contact our President, Frances Henderson, at frances.henderson@uky.edu